Explore how coaching has transformed my clients' lives, revealing stories of newfound confidence, achieved goals, & life transformations.
B U S I N E S S ∞ L E A D E R S H I P ∞ L I F E
“The coaching sessions have been an enormous help for me and helped me see life in a new way, I no longer feel dread and depression or bound by pressures I cannot control, I have choices and I believe in myself and my abilities…..
I used to be a people pleaser and try to gain a lot of my self-worth from others and their opinions of me. Since the coaching, I have now put up healthier boundaries to protect my happiness and my time. I can do anything I put my mind to and there are always options in a given situation.”
Nicola - Primary School Teacher & Educational Leader
C O A C H I N G C A S E S T U D Y with a Creative Account Director
The Power of aligning with your values
How has coaching helped you?
Coaching with Kate has been incredibly helpful in enabling me to understand myself and what drives me. This has helped me to find much more peace with where I am at in my career and what I might look for in future. For many years I have spent time and energy searching for something that was right in front of me. I was looking for my purpose, my dream job, work I loved. Just a few sessions with Kate have revealed core driving values that have helped me see why I’ve made the choices I’ve made with my career, and what true job satisfaction looks like for me. I didn’t need to leave my current role, being able to articulate to myself and my colleagues, what is important to me about my work (security, clarity of expectations, clear boundaries) has enabled me to excel and thrive in my existing job. And, when the time is right to move on, I have a much better idea of what my deal breakers are when searching for a new role.
What have you learnt about yourself throughout the coaching process?
I didn’t think security, clarity of expectations, safety, were as important to me as they are. But as soon as I did the values exercise with Kate and she reflected back to me what she heard. Those core values resonate so deeply, I couldn’t deny it was true. She has helped me see that these values are unlikely to change and that’s ok, I can still thrive and have an impactful, joyful career, without trying to be someone I’m not. She has helped me see that I have a period of acceptance to go through as well, which I’ve been grateful to name, because I was conflicted internally about safety/security being so central to me.
What is unique/do you find most useful about Kate’s coaching style?
I really appreciate Kate’s honesty in her coaching style. I trust her to be honest with me, which helps me to gain important insights about myself, even if they might be things I perhaps didn’t think I wanted to hear. For example, during the values exercise I talked about wanting to be challenged, to do something meaningful and fulfilling with my career. Kate’s abilities as a coach to see through to something deeper were impressive. She told me she didn’t think these were at the heart of what I wanted and she was right. When she reflected back to me what she saw as the deeper drivers, I felt the truth of it in my body, deep down, it resonated. Kate is unafraid to be honest and it is a huge benefit as a coach. She is also hugely empathetic and relatable and immediately puts me at ease. I am always curious to see where she is going to take things and after each session I come away with greater insight.
Overall impact of coaching sessions:
Overall I feel more grounded, more honest with myself, I can see my thought patterns with more distance. Understanding what my driving values are has enabled me to see my day to day life in a new way. I feel confident that when I need to make important decisions in the future such as moving house, or job, I will make better decisions that are more likely to be right for me.